About CAB

CAB is a 501c3 non-profit organization working in partnership with all friends of bicycling to promote bicycling in Conway and in surrounding communities in Faulkner County. The mission of CAB is to:

  • Encourage the development and use of facilities (bike paths, routes, lanes and trails) for bicycling;
  • Provide educational information for both bicyclists and motorist, and to defend the rights of bicyclists;
  • Provide bicycle safety training;
  • Sponsor activities that provide more opportunities for the citizens of Conway to enjoy bicycling.

CAB is working with the City of Conway to help Conway become (and remain) an official Bicycle-Friendly Community. The BFC designation is bestowed on communities that meet the strict requirements established by the League of American Bicyclists, a national organization promoting bicycling. Our vision is a community where all safe and legal manner of bicycling is encouraged and enjoyed.

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