Community Rides

Watch a video of our leisurely community ride, and learn about CAB.
This Is Arkansas: Cycling Conway 2013


1) Conway Community Ride: Leisurely ride around Conway.  All ages and skill levels welcome, but designed to build confidence riding on the streets and negotiating traffic. Last Sunday of each month, weather permitting. Rides average about 10 miles, and there is often a refreshment stop.  Meet at Simon Park next to City Hall at 2 pm.  Rain cancels.  Wear a helmet!

2) New moderate-pace Group Ride: If weather permits, this group will begin January 1st with a New Year’s day ride, leaving from Simon park and ending at Blue Sail coffee, on Front street, at 2 pm. If the ride is popular it will become a weekly Sunday afternoon ride.  If you are a new cyclist and want to ride in the country with others at about 13-15 mph, and for about an hour, join us. This is a no drop ride!!

3) Other more experienced riders leave from Rush-Hal Properties on the corner of Tyler and Country Club on Saturday or Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings  (Watch CAB Facebook for exact days.)  Rides will be no drop and average about 15-17 mph.  Group will decide on out-of-town route and distance. Watch this website and the CAB Facebook page for more information.

Other group rides will begin in the spring!



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