Conway Commuter Challenge

The Conway Commuter Challenge

Starting May 1st, track your miles and win prizes!

Register at

The Conway Commuter Challenge was originally started in 2010 to promote commuting in Conway. The week-long event was organized and funded by The Ride, a Conway bicycle shop, and then the city’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board. This year, CAB is sponsoring the challenge. The challenge will start in May and end in September to coincide with the National Bike Challenge sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and Kimberly-Clark Corporation.


The National Bike Challenge is an exciting health and wellness initiative that encourages people to bike for transportation and recreation. In 2014, the challenge runs from May 1, 2014 until September 30, 2014. It is open and free to anyone who lives in the U.S. or works for an organization with U.S. employees.
The Conway Commuter Challenge is aimed at those who live or work in Conway, Arkansas. Participating in the Conway Challenge allows you to be eligible for monthly prizes and end of challenge recognition in addition to those awarded by the National Challenge.

Monthly Challenge Prizes

Monthly Prizes  will be awarded at the end of each month of the challenge to individuals drawn at random participating in the challenge and who log at least fifty (5O) transportation miles in the respective month.

Contact Todd Ake at

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